Komisia pre školstvo a vzdelávanie ÚSŽZ – Sekcia pre západnú Európu a zámorie“ met in Bratislava on Wednesday, April 5, 2023, the 8th meeting of the School Commission.
According to information from ISEIA, 1075 pupils are currently educated full-time in these centers, of which 332 children are in pre-school age, 503 are pupils in the 1st grade and 280 are pupils in the second grade of education according to Slovak system. The number of teachers in these centers is 204, of which 120 are qualified teachers with a specialised degree. 257 pupils receove the online education in these centres.
The meeting was chaired by Peter Prochácka, a Vice-President of „Úrad pre Slovákov žijúcich v zahraničí“(The Office for Slovaks Living Abroad).
Firstly he handed over the appointment decree to this section president, Jarmila Buchová from Munich, who also serves as the president of the ISEIA Association of Educational Centers (detailed information about ISEIA’s activities and projects can be seen on the www.iseia.eu‚s website).
I congratulate in this way to the Section president Jarmila Buchova and I wish her every success.
I would like to thank the coordinators of the meeting for the opportunity to attend this session, to present my school „Klobúčik – Taunton UK – Škola Hrou“.
Author: Dagmar Szabó