The new year 2024 started with a smile

Foto: Svetlana Martinekova- director

We started the new year with a smile. Our students enjoyed it and did not forget to set resolutions. we believe and keep our fingers crossed for them to fulfill their commitment.
We are looking forward to the next meeting. We believe that together we will learn something new and have fun at the same time.

Príde Mikuláš…

Mikuláš navštívil aj našu Školu hrou v – Klobúčik-Taunton UK.

Bolo to radosti a veselosti. Náš detský Mikuláš mal aj svojich pomocníkov anjelika a nezbedného čertíka. Darčeky deťom urobili radosť, klobúčikovské perníky chutili ani omrvinky neostali. Balónové vianočné ozdoby detičky potešili.

Tešíme sa na ďalšie naše aktivity.

Autor : Dagmar Szabó

Klobúčik z Tautonu


Listen to Dagmar Szabó’s interview (the founder of the Klobúčik center) on Radio Slovakia International.  We were invited to share our work in Great Britan (in Taunton which is located near Bristol).

Three Little Piggies – Tri prasietka

Today’s „Klobúčik“ was about Slovak version of the fairy tale „Three Little Piggies“.

After the Christmas holidays, we started with the theme of the fairy-tale world: „Tri prasiatka“ (Three Little Piggies)

Teacher Svetlana Martinekova read a fairy tale, while the children completed the words and described the prepared drawings, telling us what was drawn on them.

The children gradually told the whole fairy tale in their own words.

The basis is vocabulary. In order to increase the variety of the engagement, we show them to play with the games „Hláskovo“.

Author : Dagmar Szabo

Klobúčik – Škola hrou

„Klobúčik –  škola hrou“ was founded in 2016 by the volunteer body „A Ray of sunshine for a child“. We took over this school under our „Sunray for Children“ charity in November 2022.

All activities are created predominantly for Slovak children and parents from the Taunton area and sympathizers of Slovak community in Taunton.

One of our main goals is to educate Slovak children in Slovak language. We also would like to expand the knowledge about Slovakia and Slovak culture in England and Wales.

All activities are intended to show and maintain the cultural traditions of Slovakia, such as Easter egg painting, St. Nicholas Day customs in Slovakia, unique Christmas and Easter celebrations and also modern traditions such as International Day of the Sun, International Children’s Day, and so on.

Additionally, in 2020 we set up our own „Deň slnka“ or „Day of the Sun“.

We look forward to see and welcome anyone with affinity to Slovak or Czech language and culture.

Day of the Sun

Sunray for Children – Lúč pre dieťa in cooperation with ISEIA – International Slovak Educational Institution and Association

We cordially invite you to participate in the 4th annual Day of the Sun.

Day of the Sun is for all kindergarteners, pupils, students, centers, clubhouses, clubs, and children can also participate independently through parents, relatives. This challenge is international for all without distinction.

We are looking forward to your drawings, models, photos, songs, videos, poems, styles etc.

As the sun shines on us equally, it caresses us. In the morning, its rays wake us up and accompany us throughout the day. So this challenge is also about connecting us all.

Send confirmation of participation and creations to email:

Author: Dagmar Szabó